The ideal location to construct a kitchen according to Vastu Shastra is a South-east corner of the . The house as this corner is considered the best as all the elements of fire are governed from this corner. In case, south-east corner is not available; then the next best option is the north-west corner of the house.


Main kitchen windows should face the East. With early morning sunlight considered beneficial to health and UV rays sanitizing the cooking space, it is thought that East facing windows allow the flow of light and help rid the kitchen of odours, germs and dispels darkness.


the best place to fix the gas stove is again in South east direction. The elements of fire placed in this direction works the best that is why it is advisable to cook facing east side of the kitchen.


Placing sinks and taps in the kitchen indicate water flow and installing them in the North-east direction and away from a gas stove is the best-suited option


In case, the refrigerator is placed in the kitchen; then it should be placed in the south-west direction but keeping at least a foot away from the floor. It is good to avoid north-east direction for the refrigerator as it becomes a hindrance in the kitchen.


When it comes to using electrical appliances in the Kitchen, keeping them in the south or south-east direction is the best. Avoid keeping any of the appliances in the North-east direction.


If there is any filter, RO or earthen pot in the kitchen, placing them in the north-east direction is considered auspicious.


Smaller kitchen windows can be placed in the South. Besides providing additional ventilation, these windows also help in cross-ventilation, especially since the kitchen produces plenty of odours and cooking fumes that can be replaced by fresh air.